Friday, 15 November 2019

Summer 2019 News We waste water but save some.

Dear Friends and Owners of Unley,

The new State Planning rules will affect us all. Will local councils have any role in shaping our local communities? Or will councils be blamed for the problems that arise....  hot and dry? No trees on private property? High-rise next door overlooking us? Developers following State wide rules or getting special deals from the State Minister? Where is the oversight with checks and balances? Or will developers working with their councils be allowed to develop their local plans subject to Ministerial approval? How will the rules governing an approval be enforced? More expensive red-tape or an owner driven low cost compliance? 

Unley Council is proposing our answers to these questions.  We have 15% mandatory tree and deep root zone on all new developments. We have a 30 degree envelope ceiling rule around all high rise areas, sunlit and not overbearing. Our full list will be on our agenda early next year.

Wishing you and your families a joy filled Christmas and hopefully with us, a cool green and bright New Year.