Monday, 22 October 2018

Corflute recycling

Corflute recycling

Some plastic bottles are recycled - which is great! But there are plenty that aren't ... which is why I want to see more than 100 water fountains installed across the City of Unley! 💦

If I'm elected mayor - this is exactly what I intend to do.
So what about the plastic that we're using in the election campaign? 💁‍♂️
My plastic corflute election signs (that you'll see up on stobie poles around Unley) are all going to YCA Recycling, a proudly SA specialist sorting and processing plant ♻️
What do you think of recycled plastic products?
Have you got any great re-use ideas? 💡

authorised by Michael Hewitson 10 Ramage St Unley

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